Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Okay for whatever reason I can't get away from this subject yet. I am hoping that by posting this, my brain can move on to other (more intelligent) thoughts. I should probably entitle this post "irony" because the whole situation that happened is the pure definition of it.

I was working on Sunday Night with a few of my younger staff and in the midst of conversation it leaked out that my degree is in Pastoral Ministry and of course they got excited because they are part of a church and had questions for me. This always happens to me, my staff always ends up being filled with church going kids and young adults, and of course you can't ask them about it during their interview so I have no idea until after they are hired and are doing an amazing job. So of course they wanted to ask their questions and me warning them that I am a FORMER Youth Pastor because I was driven out due to my liberal viewpoints did nothing to deter them. Why is it that I can't get away from warping the minds of teenagers who where perfectly happy in their "Christian" bubble before they started asking me questions. Can't I just shlep coffee for a living? Yeah I know, some of you are going to point to a similar story in the minor prophets of the Old Testament, but whatever - coffee beans smell better then fish digestive tracks!

So I guess with this post I am going to not go into the discussion of why I think enforcing the Old Testament standard of tithing drastically underminds the purpose of New Testament giving. I will save that for another day bacause I think that this post is long enough. I just knew that some of you would find it amuzing to know as much as I try to avoid forcing my viewpoints on others, there are always people who come looking for it.

Self Awareness Tip of the Day:
If you stare into the mirror for too long, you forget what you are looking at!

Neviusology 211


Deneen said...

I'd suggest avoiding the ocean at all costs.

You can't change what God has written all over you...you can attempt to run but you can't hide.

I'm glad that you and Erica are back in town!

Eric Nevius said...

I hate the ocean. Ever since I saw the Jaws series as a kid I have refused to go near it. The only time I do is to go fishing with my father-in-law because it seems like it is the only thing I can do with him to bond. Even then, I never catch anything so I think that I am safe.

As far as running, in my teeage years I used to smoke two menthol packs a day and eventhough I haven't touched a cigarette in nine years, I still don't have the lungs to run. Plus, if you haven't noticed, i have gained to much weight so you don't have to worry about me running!

We are very glad to be back :)